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The Land

Fox Hollow Farm & Herbary sits on approximately 15 acres in the Ozark Hills. Around the land you'll find our home, the shop, the barn, the gardens,  the field, the pond and wet weather stream, and of course, the woodlands. Many native species grow here, including Yarrow, Common Milkweed, Sumac trees, many types of Oaks, Red Cedars, and so much more. Have a look around!



Wild Yarrow & Prairie Grasses

In the field behind our home, there is an expanse of prairie grasses and wildflowers. One of those happens to be Yarrow, a medicinal herb with a myriad of uses.


The Backyard Garden

This is the first (mostly) no-dig garden bed we made. It is right outside our back door and is shaded for about half the day by two enormous Oak trees.


Converted Horse Barn (Poultry Coop)

This old barn has saved us tons of money. By adding wire cloth, some framing inside and a door, we were able to build a safe and cozy shelter for our chickens and guinea fowl for almost nothing! Additionally, the other half of the barn serves as a convenient tool shed. *kitschy coop name/sign pending


Woodland Stream

During wet parts of the year, there is a beautiful little stream that flows into two small ponds.


Moss-Covered Stones

There are many moss and lichen covered stones that make up this hillside.


Wild Orange Milkweed

Words cannot express the thrill of seeing these beauties pop up in the field. The ONLY host plant for Monarch butterflies, common milkweed is a vital part of the ecosystem. As this plant is facing ongoing threats and is officially endangered, we are so lucky to have it here.


The Pond & Spring

This is one of the ponds on the land, and a favorite hangout for Fern the cat. We are working to improve the watershed for this pond & spring by building swales and increasing the plant population  upstream.


© 2023 by Fox Hollow Farm

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